Battle of CryptoSec

Battle #1: Erik vs. Jonathan in a LaTeX styling battle.

About Battle of CryptoSec #1

The grading is done by Linus. The rules can be described like this:

Both contestants start at 0 points. I will then deduct points for things I do not like. The winner is the contestant with the highest score.


The results are in the table below:

Part Erik Jonathan Comment
Paper format 0 -1 Jonathan's exam is in US Letter, not A4.
Front page -1 -1 Erik: -1 for "written report"
Jonathan: -1 for "Authors"
Table captions -1 0 Table captions below tables are unacceptable.
Vertical table lines 0 -1 Either use booktabs-style (no vertical lines at all), or regular tables. Now Jonathan has ugly gaps.
Quotation marks -1 0 English have different quotation marks in the beginning “ not ”
Figure reference 0 -1 All numbered figures should of course be referenced to by their number.
Float layout -1 0 The tables in Erik's exam wastes ridiculous space. Subfigures ftw!
3a,b parentheses 0 -1 Not using \left and \right on parentheses in H( ) should be illegal.
3c plot colour -1 0 Colours in plot should match colours in legend...
Vector graphics -1 0 Vector graphics > bitmapped graphics for all plots.
-6 -5

Winner: Jonathan


No appeals. The decision is final.